Posts Tagged ‘kiss my ask’



It’s bad enough that time-wasting PowerPoint presentations are called decks (a reference to the stacks of slides and transparencies traditionally used to bore people into submission), but do we really need deckware to make it even dumber? Sadly, apparently, yes. I can’t find a first reference for this abomination but I did find these askholes.  […]



“We also have to provide some announceables for the future as we go into the campaign.”  I am sooooo excited that Andrea Horwath, the leader of the NDP in Ontario. is sending over some Announceables.  I’m hoping they’re like Lunchables,  those adorable molded plastic trays with perfect servings of molded plastic food. I am so looking […]



Hey, kids! Thanks for watching the We Don’t Sell Products, We Sell Solutions Show. Did you know you can be a Solutioneer too? Just ask Mum and Dad to send in a pack of the Post-It Notes they swiped at work and you’ll get an official Solutioneer hat with a propeller that really turns and […]



Yet another gem from the folks who brought us mushrooming. Apparently concepts, products and even, heaven help us, buzzwords have “taken off and mainstreamed themselves in the first decade of this century…” Disgusting. Right out there in public. They’d better stop mainstreaming this instant or they’ll go blind.

When my friend Eric sent me the text for a guest post he had done for my other blog, the subject line on his email was this: “I procrastinated this for you”. How perfect! I’ve recently procrastinated banana bread (should have been doing a presentation), a clean pantry (should have been calling my mother) and […]



We’re not in Kansas anymore, Todo! Does that work for you? No? Nor me. So if Todo isn’the name of small ugly dog, what could it possibly be? A nasty disease of aquarium fishes? A new line of Ikea coat hangers? No, it’s what we used to call a To Do list. Now, according to […]

This from Jonathan Gladstone: Verbing the noun is passé. It no longer has any shock value. We need to move on. Maybe the next big thing in neologisms could be Verbing the Concept. In that spirit, I was recently describing the career arc of a friend who was looking for a big promotion. She was […]



I know it’s not new but it pops up a lot around Earth Day each year an it’s just as wrong this year as last. If you’re going to verb an adjective, does it have to be a colour? Couldn’t we tall something? Or squishy someone? Or obnoxious a few things? Askhole honours go to […]



I’m tempted to classify this as a Good Thing word since it’s a clever descriptor for many things. Like what drunks do to subway cars or what Fox News does to a church social or what airlines to do food (or is that offalizing?). But its origin is from the sinister world of performance psychology, […]



Now if I were going to guess at a definition for this verbing of the fungus, I would land in a fecund, dark and stinky place. But the authors of Wikibrands are much more hopeful and drag in both nurseries and Twitter thus: “Social media hothouses are mushrooming up, tapping into a zeitgeist of a marketplace that can’t […]