Archive for the ‘Askhole-of-the-Week’ Category



It’s bad enough that time-wasting PowerPoint presentations are called decks (a reference to the stacks of slides and transparencies traditionally used to bore people into submission), but do we really need deckware to make it even dumber? Sadly, apparently, yes. I can’t find a first reference for this abomination but I did find these askholes.  […]



Hey, kids! Thanks for watching the We Don’t Sell Products, We Sell Solutions Show. Did you know you can be a Solutioneer too? Just ask Mum and Dad to send in a pack of the Post-It Notes they swiped at work and you’ll get an official Solutioneer hat with a propeller that really turns and […]



I know it’s not new but it pops up a lot around Earth Day each year an it’s just as wrong this year as last. If you’re going to verb an adjective, does it have to be a colour? Couldn’t we tall something? Or squishy someone? Or obnoxious a few things? Askhole honours go to […]



Now if I were going to guess at a definition for this verbing of the fungus, I would land in a fecund, dark and stinky place. But the authors of Wikibrands are much more hopeful and drag in both nurseries and Twitter thus: “Social media hothouses are mushrooming up, tapping into a zeitgeist of a marketplace that can’t […]



Well if your phaser is set just wrong, you might vapourize someone. Or turn them into vapour. It follows, then that if you want to turn someone, say an unpopular Teamster, into a heavy lump of something that sinks in a river or holds up a building, you would concretize them. So it’s a little […]



The future, it seems, has joined both idiots and water as something we need to protect ourselves against. The apparent meaning of future-proof is to do stuff now that prevents bad things or unexpected things from happening in the future. I believe we used to call that planning, but someone failed to future-proof the idea […]



I thought this was all about giving up going to church for Lent. Or perhaps some extreme diet. But it’s not. It’s about how the Internet is making mass advertising obsolete. Here is the context: “…creating customized messages capable of being perceived as relevant by a demassified audience is not easy…” Well I should think not. […]



Consider this: “Language becomes a key issue not just in our own sensemaking, but in how effectively we impact the sensemaking of others.” I don’t know about you, but I picture a dim factory full of old ladies patiently picking information from a bin and creating pretty doilies and tablecloths made of sense. Gail Fairhurst […]



I can’t count the number of times this recent holiday season that I heard this particular verbing of a noun. “He gifted me a lovely vase.” “Don’t forget to cut airholes when gifting a ferret.” The list goes on. When did we stop giving things to each other and start gifting? We don’t flu each […]



It seems to me that if you’re going to be rude enough to fire someone you ought to tell the truth about why. Rightsizing suggests the organization was not fitting into its yoga pants anymore. Wrongsizing suggests that the person you are firing is not fitting into the org chart anymore. So let’s get busy […]